To Frederick Douglass”…
“When it is finally ours, this freedom, this liberty, this beautiful
and terrible thing, needful to man as air,
usable as earth;
when it belongs at last to all,
when it is truly instinct, brain matter, diastole, systole,
reflex action; when it is finally won; when it is more
than the gaudy mumbo jumbo of politicians;
this man, this Douglass, this former slave, this Negro
beaten to his knees, exiled, visioning a world
where none is lonely,
none hunted, alien,
this man, superb in love and logic,
this man shall be remembered.
Oh, not with statues’ rhetoric,
not with legends and poems and wreaths of bronze alone,
but with the lives grown out of his life, the lives
fleshing his dream of
the beautiful, needful thing.”
…..poem by ROBERT HAYDEN.
A few of those phrases haunt me, their echo so clear and
clarion in the midst of our scaring headlines. I want to
remember what we hold dear and what we know to be
true, the value of our freedom, our liberty, our beautiful
needful things.
I wonder what we will be valuing when it’s July and
we celebrate our own declaration of independence along-
side that of our country. What will be the values of the
lives grown out of our lives?
While I have the time, I may look at that.
Always with love…..