
Again, I seem to be noticing simple delights more often than not. Such a wonderful story of my life – to be 98 and welcoming a sense of good luck and a lovely decrease in impatience!

Today’s haiku is a playful way of welcoming the sun after days of rain.

Love Always, Mom/Mimi/Toni/Antoinette

Sensual Summer

Painting by Katie Kindilien. katiekindilien
Painting by Katie Kindilien. katiekindilien

According to the calendar we are coasting the curve to Autumn already.
I’l bet you and I are only just getting started to enjoy this delayed season!

So, let it be so, let it be joyous, unplanned, spontaneous, and rich.

Let the words of Mary Oliver give us permission:

“Sixty-seven years, oh Lord, to look at the clouds,
the trees in deep, moist summer,

daisies and morning glories
opening every morning

their small, ecstatic faces —
Or maybe I should just say

How I wish I had a voice
like the meadowlark’s,

sweet, clear, and reliably
slurring all day long

from the fencepost, or the long grass
where it lives

in a tiny but adequate hut
beside the mullein and the everlasting,

the faint pink roses
that have never been improved, but come to bud

then open like little soft sighs
under the meadowlark’s whistle, its breath-praise,

its thrill song, its anthem, its thanks, its
alleluia, Alleluia, oh Lord.”

………………………… MARY OLIVER, quoted in the book,
A Dream of Summer, selected by Robert Atwan, and titled:
While I Am Writing a Poem to Celebrate Summer, the
Meadowlark Begins to Sing.

Open your window early, and take it in.

always with love,