This is a quote:
“Reasoning never makes a thing
absolutely true.
Faced with challenge, what you are in that moment is revealed.
The strangest things crop up together.
Look at jewelweed,
how peacefully it grows with poison ivy.
Answers come in the living of them.”
from her book, A Mystic Garden,
Working with Soil, Attending to Soul.
The last few weekends I’ve been with people who are plunging
their hands into the soil, creating the spaces for beauty to
flourish. Time stopped still for a while.
Our personal issues disappeared, conversation was now and
then, and all concern for our own appearance dimmed. Window
boxes got the same attention as the formal areas, separated by
paving stones, merited.
“Pole beans like carrots. Lettuce gets along with the radish.
Basil, tomatoes, peppers thrive with one another. I like to
plant my garden this way when I can. As I put the oriental
chives of the onion family with the roses, I wonder, why not
put friends together?” (another quote from A Mystic Garden)
That’s pretty much what happens on these gardening weekends.
Funny, too, how different the place looks, larger somehow.
The space as well, larger somehow, for each other.
always with love.