All of a sudden, someone has raked the drifting piles
of leaves that have lain sodden on these foggy, in-
between days, not quite winter, certainly not autumn.

“I hear the raspy sound of the rake’s tines as they
scratch the ground. I think of what is painful in my
life. There’s a decision here, a decision to notice,
acknowledge, gather, and deliberately remove.
I cart the maple leaves in the blue plastic tarp to
the compost pile in the back. I need to turn them
over to the deep processes of nature.

Inside I need to turn what is done and gone over to
my God.

Even after I rake, some leaves are left. I see them
rolling over the lawn in the wind. LIke small sorrows,
and lingering pain, even they will be gone. The habit
of regret must be allowed to return to the soil.

It is the gift of this season of life to be as simple
as a brown stalk in falling light — that spiritually
bare, that naked.

There is nothing left without use —
nothing left out of the whole,
you are there, part of the Holy.”
GUNILLA NORRIS, from her book, A Mystic Garden.

This helps me prepare for this season of light, of
joy and sharing and festivity. We surely are in a

always with love,


It’s a bit after midnight, and I went looking for a poem that would express my astonished delight that my appeal, albeit commercial as a means of earning money for giving presents
for Christmas, was met in a matter of hours.

I know you, you who tune in to my Dailies which are not very daily (!).

I share the early hours of some mornings with you as I search for just the right words that poets have given us.

I want to hear the heart beat of daily life. Only then can I sleep.

So, I found this poem; I’ve shared it before and it is so simple and true:

“Excepting the diner
On the outskirts
The town of Ladora
At 3 a.m.
Was dark but
For my headlights
And up in
One second-story room
A single light
Where someone
Was sick or
Perhaps reading
As I drove past
At seventy
Not thinking
This poem
Is for whoever
Had the light on.”
…………………………DONALD JUSTICE, from Garrison Keillor’s book, Good Poems.

Simply extraordinary gratitude.
Just to know we are all connected in unbelievable ways.

The “balcony is closed” on that appeal of Wednesday, Dec. 5th. The Portraits that will be done are given the space to show up.
All’s well.

always with love,



On a light note, here’s a poem that could be sung!

“O Karma, Dharma, pudding and pie,
gimme a break before I die;
grant me wisdom, will & wit,
purity, probity, pluck, and grit.
trustworthy, loyal, helpful, kind,
gimme great abs & a steel-trap mind,
and forgive, Ye Gods, some humble advice —
these little blessings would suffice
to beget an earthly paradise:
make the bad people good —
and the good people nice;
and before our world goes over the brink,
teach the believers how to think.”

……………PHILLIP APPLEMAN, writer and
former English teacher at Indiana University.

Could this be called a piece of doggerel? It sings itself
and runs down the page and off into the wide blue yonder.


There are 4 days before Christmas that are free to take a
look at:
Sunday, 12/09
Sunday, 12/17
Friday, 12/14
Friday, 12/21
………..when, strapped for cash, I’m offering a SPECIAL
OPPORTUNITY to get an Inner Portrait for $100 .
on any one of those days.
That’s a saving of $40 each, either for yourself or as an
unexpected Christmas gift for a special person.
Usual time is at 10 a.m., takes 3 hours, and it will help me
buy Christmas presents.
…………………first come, first served.

This is unusual, you regulars know for sure. We are living in
unusual times, and I ask for your suspended critical view of
this commercial message.

always with love,

